Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Report Cards on Parenting

A work you are given evaluations which review your skills, work ethic and attitude in a day to day work environment. Now can you imagine receiving a report card which grades you on your parenting skills? This is a proposal from the Florida State representative, Kelli Stargel, which she hopes her peers will adopt. This report card would be called the Parent Involvement and Accountability in Public Schools bill, this would grade parents from grade pre-school to grade three to see if their parenting skills are "satisfactory, need improvement, or unsatisfactory".

I believe this is a new innovative idea which will shape us or break us. Although, my concern is that the teachers will not have a well enough understanding of the life at home. My suggestion is that this report card is given to the parents by the student and teacher so that way they will have a more accurate grade. I believe that is a good idea which will open the eyes of parents and better understand their child and their needs.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Blast In Moscow

A blast in Moscow killed 31 people, and wounded about 130. President Medvedev first suggests it was an act of terrorism. Domodedovo, one of the busiest airports in Moscow and regarded as Moscow's generally most up-to-date airport although their security has come into question.“The bomb might have been in the luggage," a police officer told the Itar-Tass new agency. The blast left at least 20 of the wounded are in critical condition.

In my opinion I don't think that the blast should have ever occurred. If the Domodedovo is one of the busiest and most up-to-date airports in Moscow then why is the security not at the same level. In the past Domodedovo have been a victim of these acts of terrorism, and they will keep occurring if they don't step up their security.