Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bribing kids for bedtime

1 in 5 parents admitted to bribing their children to go to bed. Out of the parents which bribe their children 28% let there kids watch "a bit more" TV, 17% promised a later bedtime on the weekend, 6% bribe with sweets and candy's. Parents think that giving into their demands is just much easier than battling them throughout the night.

Personally I believe that parents shouldn't have give into their children. I believe that making a deal with your children gives them a sense that it is possible for them to get what they want, which ultimately makes your child somewhat spoiled. A child can kick and scream all he wants but giving in is all apart of they're plans, and the last time I checked a little discipline never hurt anyone.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Should children be allowed to get plastic surgery?

A seven year old girl was allowed by her mom to get plastic surgery to get her ears pinned back. Her mother said "This was a preventative way, so she wouldn't get bullied". The young girl was happy about the surgery and says "I really don't like people asking me about my ears." The mother also acknowledged the fact that her fellow adults were meaner than their children. It seems as though that more teenagers are seeking to get plastic surgery the help their self esteem and to avoid bullying.

I personally do not think this is such a big deal. I know plenty of people who have pinned their ears back to avoid being bullied. If it is for a good cause I believe that getting plastic surgery is fine just as long as it will help you throughout your life like doing it to avoid bullying.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Should Canada ban Islamic face veils?

Today in France a new law banning Islamic face veils was put into action. Two women have already been detained for protesting against this new law. Anyone who forces a woman to wear a face veil can be put in jail for up to a year. Wearing one of these face veils will cost you a fine of 150 euros. There is many arguements about whether or not Canada should inforce a law similar to the one the French have inforced.

I personally believe that Canada should not pass this law, I dont even think that France should have even inforced this new law. Islamic face veil express religious freedom, and banning something as harmless as a face veil is basically saying to be apart of our country you cannot practice your religion or follow your culture. Personally I don't believe this is right.