Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why no-smoking signs are a waste of space

There was a test done by Mr. Earp where he presented his findings to the British Psychological Society in Glasgow. In his findings it generally showed how that seeing a no smoking sign actually kicks in your nicotine craving and actually makes you want to smoke more while knowing that you can't. If you have a chronically positive attitude towards smoking these signs will most likely boost your craving by reminding you of smoking and getting that thought into your head. I is like telling you to not think of a pink elephant, but the thing you think of is a pink elephant.

I believe that Mr. Earp makes a good point when he suggests this. I personally know people who start smoking because that's how they were brought up, mainly because their parents smoke. There is so much encouragement from music, movies and ads that promote smoking that it is almost impossible to prevent kids from starting to smoke or even try. although these finding could be the thing that keeps them smoking.

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