Thursday, February 24, 2011

A new kind of cookie monster

Hersha Howard, busted through the doors of roomates room after noticing that her Thin Mints have been eaten. Howard accused her roomate Jasmin Wanke of eating the without asking. Although Wanke told Howard that she had given them to Ms. Howards children once they awoke and were hungry at 1 am. Howard allegedly viciously attacked her Wanke by hitting her in the face, biting her breast, chasing her around the appartment with scissors, and hitting her with a board and a sign. Howard was charged with aggrivated battery with a deadly weapon.

I personally think this is ridiculous. I mean a woman with children should have more patients and dignity for herself then to just brutally attack her roommate over nothing more than just an empty box of girl guide cookies. I mean to get upset over things like this is fine but it seems asthough that Howard was trying to kill Ms. Wanke over a box of cookie. Although I don't believe that something like this has happened.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The big secret has been revealed.

Coke's secret recipe which has been kept secret since John Pemberton first created way back in 1886. Apparently a photo of this recipe had been revealed back in 1979 but apparently no one noticed.

I do not believe that this will leave a dent in the soft drink giant. if anything it might make it that much more popular. Of course competition will grow and the competitiveness in the soft drink market will increase massively through this discovery. Although this will not hurt Coke in the slightest.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Would you choose your dog over a romantic relationship?

On the eve of Valentine's day a poll went out surveying 3,000 people asking if they would have a relationship with a person over their dog. 80 percent said that they would not like to have a relation ship with someone who did not like there dog. 12 percent said that owning a dog or a cat damages or puts a damper on the relationship, and almost 20 percent said that would rather have a dog companion over a relationship.

I personally believe that you should love your cat or dog, and if someone were to walk into your life and give no effort into making your dog happy which ultimately make you happy they really don't want to be in that relationship as much as you do. If you were to fall in love all though you would not give up another love so that you could be with them, it really isn't the dogs fault, he is the guy who you come home to every you every day no matter what happened, no matter how rough of a day you had he is there to try to make you happy. So if there is someone who walks into your life and it doesn't end up working its not the dog fault he'll never turn but your partner could.

Politican caught cheating?

According to Craiglist, Christopher Lee is "very fit fun classy". He is a devorced lobbyst who has had some dissappointments with the ladies. Although Christopher is actually a father, husband and a Republican New York. Most know for his push on family values and his stance against federal funding of abortion. Once the story got out Christopher immediately resigned because he says the challenges we face in Western New York are too serious for these distrcations to occur.

Its ridiculous how low and how stupid people can get. He didnt even change his name, email address or even a fake photo. He made it seem like he wanted to get caught. If you are a celebrity, politician or anyone of high power im sure you dont have any trouble with the ladies and you do not have to be so deperate to make an account on Craigslist.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The more mom works, the heavier the child: study

A study by researchers at American University, Cornell University, and the University of Chicago all found that the more a mother works for the duration of their child's life, the more their child's BMI (body mass index) rose. Studies are taken from 900 elementary school children from 10 different cities in the United States. The findings were strongest with 5th and 6th graders. researchers suggested that the reasoning for these results are because parents have less time to buy groceries and worry about nutritional food.

I believe to an extent that this study is true. I do not believe that is all the parents fault for their children's BMI rising. You also have to account the desire of the child to be healthy. Most children in grade 5 and 6 start hit their growth spurt and their bodies need more food and at the end of the day it is they're choice in what they put into their bodies, not their mothers fault.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Smoking habits could be passed down through gender roles

The Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics has done a study that there is a possibility that if a father smokes then there is a bigger chance of his son being a smoker and vice versa for mothers and daughters. the studies show there is a 24 percent chance for boys to become smokers if their parents are and a 12 percent chance if they're not. for girls there is a 23 percent chance to become a smoker if their parents are smokers and a 12 percent chance if they are not.
Mothers are portrayed as neutering, caring, beautiful women in the eyes of their children mainly daughters. Fathers are portrayed as tough, manly, intelligent men in the eyes of the of their children. The influence we have on our children is greater than we sometimes think. Our children just want to grow up and make us proud, and they think acting like us will do so. Girls will put on make up, and boys pretend to shave because those products and routines happen so frequently that they are commonly found in the average home making children think they are okay. This study is just children being influenced by the wrong things by their parents. if parents did not show there children that they need to smoke to be happy or do it so often then children will not think they will need to do it to be just like their old man.

How far will you go to break up with someone?

What is the farthest you'll go to break up with your girlfriend? An immigration officer in the UK put his wife's name into a list of suspected terrorists. As his wife was travelling to visit family back in Pakistan on her way home she was denied entry by airline and immigration officials, when she asked why they refused to tell her. The woman went back to Pakistan and had to live there for 3 years because of this incident. The deed was discovered because the man came up for promotion and a vetting inquiry discovered his wife's name on the suspects list. After questioning the man confessed and was fired ever since.  

Personally I believe that this is a immature sick way of going about it. First off, this man has ruined her life by doing this. Second off he does not have the maturity level to be a man and divorce her. My question is really how did they not noticed this earlier then having her to wait 3 years till she was able to re-enter the country?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Iran hangs man who claims he is God

Abdolreza Gharabat. An Iranian man whom claims he is God was hung apostasy. In Iran apostasy, adultery, murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficing are all crime which all punishable by death since the country's 1979 Islamic revolution. Abdolreza Gharabat was has hanged on January 26th 2010, Abdolreza had deceived some people into worshipping him, most of these followers were "young people". It has been calculated that Iran kills about one person every 8 hours since the beginning of 2011. This execution rate comes second to China although it has the most deaths per head of population.

I personally believe that some of these death penalties are not necessary. Yes, these people have done bad things, and yes, they do deserve to be punished, but with an economy such as the Iranian economy ant with a execution rate being so high I don't believe that they should continuously sentence these people to death. If the economy chooses to continue this law to follow the least they could do is to stop making these executions so public and inhuman.