Monday, February 14, 2011

Politican caught cheating?

According to Craiglist, Christopher Lee is "very fit fun classy". He is a devorced lobbyst who has had some dissappointments with the ladies. Although Christopher is actually a father, husband and a Republican New York. Most know for his push on family values and his stance against federal funding of abortion. Once the story got out Christopher immediately resigned because he says the challenges we face in Western New York are too serious for these distrcations to occur.

Its ridiculous how low and how stupid people can get. He didnt even change his name, email address or even a fake photo. He made it seem like he wanted to get caught. If you are a celebrity, politician or anyone of high power im sure you dont have any trouble with the ladies and you do not have to be so deperate to make an account on Craigslist.

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