Thursday, February 24, 2011

A new kind of cookie monster

Hersha Howard, busted through the doors of roomates room after noticing that her Thin Mints have been eaten. Howard accused her roomate Jasmin Wanke of eating the without asking. Although Wanke told Howard that she had given them to Ms. Howards children once they awoke and were hungry at 1 am. Howard allegedly viciously attacked her Wanke by hitting her in the face, biting her breast, chasing her around the appartment with scissors, and hitting her with a board and a sign. Howard was charged with aggrivated battery with a deadly weapon.

I personally think this is ridiculous. I mean a woman with children should have more patients and dignity for herself then to just brutally attack her roommate over nothing more than just an empty box of girl guide cookies. I mean to get upset over things like this is fine but it seems asthough that Howard was trying to kill Ms. Wanke over a box of cookie. Although I don't believe that something like this has happened.

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